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Unique Tie Dye Buddha Bags and Tie-Strap Bags

These one-of-a-kind bags are made from 100% cotton and dyed with our metal-free dyes. They are perfect for shopping when you expect to buy more than that one single 5 carat diamond.

We are happy to announce that our buddha bags have been featured in the June 2010 issue of Women's Health Magazine. Kate Mara was the model in that spread and you can read more about the whole experience at our tie-dye blog.

Women's Health Magazne

Kate Mara modeling buddha bags by

Like most of our tie dye wearable art, these bags are comfortable to carry and easy to take care of - just wash and air dry.

Collection of Mudemme tie dye Shoulder Bags

We recommend to wash these bags separately just the first time. After that they can be easily washed with other darker clothing and even tumble-dryed low.

You might love shopping or you might not - whatever it is, taking these bags out with you will handle whatever you do, and do it in style.

And one customer had the idea - thank god for great customers! - that these bags are great gym bags as well. So if you go to the gym yourself or have a friend who does - this adds some style for that trip as well.

There are two different kind of these bags,

  • the Buddha Bag is an open bag with a zippered compartment inside (these are - unfortunately - sold out),
  • the tie-strap bag somewhere in the middle with an adjustable strap, a buttoned main compartment and a zippered compartment inside.

Our tie-strap bag offers different options to adjust the lenght of the straps. One way is to tie one knot at the top (any knot you know or might have learned at the scouts)

single know for tie-strap bag

or you can use the double sliding knot technique to make them move for a change on the fly.

double knot tie-strap

The sizes are somewhat different to accomodate varying preferences and body sizes. The buddha bag might not be the right items if you are very tiny, for example. Here is how you can interpret the measurement we give you for each items. Click on each of the bags to get the selection of the bags we have currently available.

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Measurement Buddha Bag
Shop for Buddha Bag
Measurement Tie Strap Bag
Shop for Tie Strap Bag

satisfaction guarantee100% Satisfaction Guarantee - If you don't like it for any reason we will gladly exchange it or refund your purchase.

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